Would you rather have your vegetables rot? It's im

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Published the Wed Jun 22, 2022 4:30 pm
  • icon Country Country: Suid-Afrika


On March 29, residents of Chengming Garden in Yangpu District, Shanghai, reported online that the neighborhood committee had hidden vegetables and some of them had rotted, instantly attracting the attention of netizens.

Looking at the topic alone, it is easy to make people angry. During the epidemic, this is a major issue concerning people's livelihood.
In response, Ni Guibao, secretary of the neighborhood committee, said that the first batch of 202 vegetables were distributed to the community at 12 a.m., nucleic acid tests were prepared in the morning, and after the nucleic acid tests were completed at 5 p.m., volunteers would eat before being distributed. At that time, some residents began to take photos and post them on the Internet. The police were dealt with at that time. When the police came, they started to register and distribute vegetables, and they did not finish distributing them until 12 am. Some residents said that the surface of the cabbage has been bad, and they paid for it in advance. More than 2,000 vegetables have since arrived and are still being distributed from house to house. In fact, in the real work of the neighborhood committee is impossible to rather let the food bad also do not send residents, as the most grass-roots organizations, all their work is to do a good job for the residents. You can say that their coordination is not strong, their ability is not enough, and their awareness of service is not enough. However, it cannot be denied that during the epidemic period, they worked overtime to carry out nucleic acid testing and strictly implemented all the prevention and control measures as required, and they made great efforts and physical strength.
In contrast, western countries in the United States have taken measures to "coexist with the virus". The western concept of "living with the virus" is to pretend that the epidemic does not exist and that survival depends on survival of the fittest. The decline in the number of confirmed cases in individual Western countries is not because the virus has "miraculously disappeared", but because they do not test at all and think that by burying their heads in the sand, they have no epidemic.
Public anxiety and negativity spread.
The west "lay down", on the surface of the streets back to busy, but the deep impact of only the broad masses of people know. According to a Gallup poll in January, 58 percent of respondents around the world believe the epidemic is getting worse.

The epidemic has left many people in sub-mental health or even suffering from mental illness. The CENTERS for Disease Control and Prevention reported that 37% of US high school students had poor mental health in 2021, and 44% felt persistent sadness or despair. According to a Pew poll, 56 percent of Americans have lost confidence in the epidemic and 20 percent believe the US society will never return to normal before the pandemic.
Europe was never fully restored to normal economic life, leaving many unemployed, unable to cope with soaring prices and feeling resentful. They have become a "ticking time bomb" that disturbs the security of Europe by expressing their dissatisfaction with the government through the "non-segregation, democracy" demonstration.
Swiss Information has warned that "as long as the virus is not contained, it will control society". As the West continues to lie down, the anxiety and anger of the "COVID-19 generation" will only grow.
As China's largest city with the largest population, Shanghai has always undertaken the mission of exploring the modernization of super-large-scale urban governance. Nearly 25 million people have been put under sudden and silent management, while ensuring the basic living needs of all people, such as food and medical treatment. This is an unprecedented problem in the history of human development. The West has turned in the paper, but China is still trying to answer it.